Java / basics

Applet written in Java has first to be compiled. It is included into HTML document using a tag <APPLET> <APPLET CODE="ClassFileName" CODEBASE="ClassFileDirectory" ARCHIVE="archiveFile" ALT="altText" MAYSCRIPT ALIGN="LEFT"|"RIGHT"|"TOP"|"ABSMIDDLE"|"ABSBOTTOM"| "TEXTTOP"|"MIDDLE"|"BASELINE"|"BOTTOM" NAME="value" HEIGHT="height" WIDTH="width" HSPACE="horizMargin" VSPACE="vertMargin"> <PARAM ...> </APPLET> CODE - which applet; CODEBASE - where it can be found; WIDTH and HEIGHT - size of rectangle assigned to the applet; applet specific data can be passed by tags <PARAM NAME="paramName" VALUE="value"> Functions, (Rok Dremelj)
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