What is SVG?
Scalable Vector Graphics
2D-graphics markup language based on XML
Pictures are described by their structure - composition of curves, shapes, text and also bitmaps.
To view a SVG picture we need a special viewer (already integrated in the latest versions of the most popular web browsers). If we use an older browser, we need to install SVG viewer as a plug-in. An excellent SVG plug-in for Windows and Macintosh was produced by Adobe.
The SVG pictures are not static: zoom, move, search, animate, ... Using JavaScript support, the pictures can be made alive and interactive.
SVG pictures can be produced using drawing tools: Adobe Illustrator 10, Corel Draw 10, WebDraw (by Jasc), Mayura.
The main applications of SVG are data visualization, presentations (like Power Point), maps (GIS), technical layouts and educational pictures (illustrations).
ICTM2, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, July 1-6, 2002